Unlock Your Success

Where the Future of
Accounting Tech is Made

Supporting startups on their growth journey from just an idea, to product testing, the very first paying customers and beyond.



Access the most forward thinking accountants in the world


The world's first accounting tech investment syndicate


Specialised industry knowledge, network and partnerships

Build a strong product-market fit as solid foundation for long-term sustainable growth

What can we do?

Tailored to your stage and goals, pay with cash or equity
Idea validation

Ideas are cheap,
validation is

Robust research process to mitigate inherent biases and false validation.

Product testing

Condense product testing and iterate with confidence

High quality user testing to build lean products that deliver on the biggest pain points.

Go to market

Launching blindly
Strategic Entry

Sidestep the guesswork with our targeted, cost effective and impactful go-to-market guidance.

Global Expansion

De-risking the international expansion journey

Test crucial assumptions and identify important local nuances in the UK and Australian markets

Who do we work with?

Startups that are developing a solution for accountants and/or their SME clients.

Building software for the first time

You felt the pain point in your firm, looked at what’s in the market and decided there is a gap worth pursing.

EAH can help you understand how other firms experience the same pain with a network of accountants you can trust will not just tell you what you want to hear.

Looking to accelerate their learnings of the accounting industry

You are new to the accounting space and lack the knowledge and connection in the industry. 

Leverage the credibility of EAH to save you months, if not years, connecting you to the most relevant accountants and supercharge your learnings.

Wanting to accelerate their journey to product-market fit

You have the resources but need to ensure it goes into where it will have the biggest impact on your growth.

EAH can derisk decisions to accelerate the journey to product-market fit and ensure capital is efficiently allocated.

Looking to explore the UK, AU/NZ markets

You are doing well where you started and see potential entering a new market but need to validate before investing more resources and hiring locally. 

EAH enables you to validate the opportunity presented, understand crucial local nuances and competitive landscape.

What we offer

The unique value we bring to the table not available anywhere else


A community of motivated and tech-savvy accountants 

Accountants are busy, leading accountants even more. Getting in their calendar and then good quality feedback is incredibly hard. 

With EAH, you get direct access to a highly curated group of innovative leading accounting firms in a way simply not available anywhere else.

Only with EAH will you get accountants who are as invested in your success as you are. Engaged and committed to provide feedback, testing your product and becoming your first and most influential champions.​


Best practice research methodologies 

Doing customer research is tricky. It’s easy to hear what you want to hear and asking leading questions without even realising. 

EAH’s structured approach brings genuine, actionable insights, pushing your product beyond mere assumptions.

Our robust structure cuts through biases to deliver insights that truly matter in shaping a product users want to pay for.


Clear targets, objectives and goals every step of the way.

Understanding where to best spend your money and time can be incredibly challenging with very lasting long term impacts if you get it wrong.  A lot of trial and error to be able to iterate and pivot can drain startups time, resources and energy.

EAH turns complexity into clarity, providing a well-defined pathway to accelerate your growth and minimise missteps.

You make decisions, you own the vision, we provide the guardrails to ensure you get where you want faster and better.


Investors that are truly aligned with your mission and vision

Raising money is long, painful and often means founders are distracted from building their product and growing their business.

That’s why we’ve put together the world’s first accounting tech focused investment syndicate. 

EAH bridges the gap between your startup and investors who are specialists in accounting technology, ensuring a perfect investment synergy.

Startups we have worked with

What do our founders say?

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Our goal is to align ourselves with the success of the businesses we work with, and we want to support founders from all financial backgrounds.

In keeping with this, we offer our services in exchange for either equity, or cash.

Pricing starts as low as £2,000/$4,000 AUD, and equity ranges from 2-10%.

The earlier in your journey the better.

We want to help you avoid the common pitfalls, rather than pull you out of them (although we can help there as well).

But no matter what stage you’re at or your goals, it never hurts to begin the conversation.

We want the process to be risk-free for startups, that’s why our evaluation process is absolutely free.

Commitment is required only after being presented to our accountants and reviewing the exact number and profile of firms interested in being involved with research sessions as part of stage four in our application process.

We know early-stage startups need to be very careful with the use of their time and capital. That’s why before you commit to anything, we have a presentation to our accountants.

This ensures you know exactly how much interest there is before you commit to anything.

Once you commit, we begin your bespoke programme, which is focused on achieving your specific goals.

Most programmes involve a combination of research group workshops and 1-2-1 calls with accountants, all of which are moderated and facilitated by us to maximise the value you obtain. 

For certain early-stage programmes, we also include foundation and development sessions. These allow us to share our domain expertise and help founders with messaging, positioning, pricing, sales, success, and more!

Not at all.

We support founders in preparing for, facilitating and moderating the research calls with accountants.

This ensures you can focus on listening, and avoid falling into bad (but human) habits, such as; selling, asking leading questions, and getting defensive.

It’s all about obtaining real, brutally honest feedback that is going to help you long-term.

We will help ensure you come to each call well prepared, with an agenda and line of questioning. We then provide the independent and objective third party perspective to ensure you extract maximum value.

We are currently building partnerships with product designers and developers that align with our process, so that we can refer founders to (as a separate cost).

We are flexible if you already have developers you work with, and we take into account development cycles as part of our overall process.

We have a network of investors who are knowledgeable of accounting tech space and believe in our framework and values.

However, we strongly believe that raising money isn’t a sign of success, traction with the market is a much better indicator, and therefore our primary goal.

We only connect startups with investors when it serves a clear purpose and is optimal for the startup to help achieve their goals.

Our community of accountants want to work with founders who want to work with them, to shape the next generation of accounting tech.

As a result, our approach is not about short-term sales, we focus on creating lasting relationships between accountants and startups.

So although ‘intros’ and ‘pitches’ are off the table, the startups who work with the Early Adopters Hub accounting community long-term, are well placed to win those accountants as clients in the future.

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Contact Us

Not sure? Contact us to have a chat

If you have a question, don’t know if you meet our criteria, or you are further in the journey but could still use our support, complete this contact form and we will get in touch.